Dari Ahmad bin Taymiyyah kepada ibunda yang kami sayangi dan kami hormati, semoga Allah memberkahi usianya, memberikan beliau keselamatan dan kelapangan, serta menjadikan beliau sebagai salah satu hamba-Nya yang terbaik.
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Kami memuji Allah, Zat yang paling berhak untuk dipuji. Tiada yang berhak diibadahi melainkan hanya Dia. Shalawat serta salam semoga tercurah kepada Nabi terakhir dan imamnya orang-orang shalih, Muhammad, hamba dan utusan-Nya.
Sungguh karunia Allah telah datang dengan melimpah, pertolongannya pun tiada pernah berakhir. Ananda pun bertahmid memuji-Nya, meminta-Nya untuk menambah kemurahan-Nya. Kemurahan Allah tidak akan berpaling darimu wahai ibuku yang berbahagia.
Sungguh bunda, keberadaan ananda di Mesir adalah adalah karena perkara yang penting, bila tugas (dakwah) ini ditinggalkan, maka akan timbul penyimpangan dan kerusakan bagi agama dan dunia kita.
Bunda… Berada jauh dari bunda bukanlah jalan yang ingin ananda pilih. Jikalau burung dapat membawa kita, ananda pasti akan datang kepadamu. Namun bunda, ketidakhadiran ananda di sisi bunda ada sebabnya. Dan bila bunda melihat keadaan kaum Muslimin, bunda pun pasti akan memilihkan bagi ananda tempat yang sama sebagaimana ananda berada sekarang.
Sungguh bunda, ananda selalu berdoa kepada Allah untuk menunjuki kita kepada pilihan yang tepat, dan ananda selalu berdoa bagi kebaikan bunda. Ananda juga memohon kepada Allah untuk memberkahi kita dan seluruh kaum muslimin, dengan rahmat yang meliputi keselamatan dan kemanfaatan.
Allah telah bukakan bagi ananda gerbang keberkahan, ampunan, serta hidayah melalui jalan yang tiada ananda kira sebelumnya. Dalam keadaan selalu ingin pulang ke pangkuanmu wahai ibunda, ananda pun beristikharah. Ananda tidak bisa membayangkan jika Allah tetapkan pilihan bagi diri ananda untuk menyukai perkara duniawi atau hanya merasa cukup dengan amalan ibadah yang lebih sedikit agar bisa dekat dengan dirimu, bunda. Di sini, di Mesir masih banyak perkara yang tidak bisa ananda tinggalkan, karena takut akan bahayanya, secara umum maupun secara pribadi, dan sungguh saksi-saksi itu melihat apa yang tidak dilihat oleh orang yang hadir.
Ananda ingin bunda banyak berdoa kepada Allah. Mintalah agar Dia memberikan hidayah kepada kita dan memilihkan jalan yang terbaik bagi kita. Karena Allahlah Yang Maha Mengetahui, sedangkan kita tidak. Dialah yang mampu, adapun diri kita adalah lemah. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda,
“Merupakan sebuah kebahagian bahwa anak Adam melakukan istikharah dan senang dengan apa yang Allah takdirkan bagi dirinya. Dan merupakan kesesengsaraan jika seorang anak Adam meninggalkan istikharah dan berkeluh kesah dengan takdir Allah.”
Sungguh, seorang pedagang dalam perjalanannya mungkin takut kehilangan uang, oleh karena itu dia menetap di sebuah tempat agar dia bisa berjalan lagi. Permasalahan yang sedang kami hadapi di sini begitu besar untuk dijabarkan, akan tetapi tiada daya dan upaya melainkan hanya melalui Allah.
Dan akhirnya, tolong sampaikan salam ananda untuk semua keluarga, tua dan muda, para tetangga, sahabat-sahabat, serta karib kerabat kita.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Walhamdulillah, washalatu wassalamu ‘ala Muhammad, wa ‘ala ahlihi wa ashhabihi.
(Diterjemahkan oleh Wira ( dari
Ini adalah surat Ibnu Taimiyyah kepada ibu beliau di Damaskus. Beliau saat itu sedang berada di Mesir untuk berdakwah. Surat ini adalah ekspresi kerinduan beliau kepada sang ibu, namun Allah telah pilihkan kepada beliau untuk terus berdakwah di Mesir melalui istikharah beliau. Beliau kelihatannya dekat sekali ya dengan ibunya?
I Wanna Live In Paradise
Jumat, 14 Januari 2011
Senin, 10 Januari 2011
"Maka apakah mereka tidak berjalan di muka bumi,lalu mereka mempunyai hati yang dengan itu mereka dapat memahami atau mempunyai telinga yang dengan itu mereka dapat mendengar?Karena sesungguhnya bukanlah mata itu yang buta,tetapi yang buta,ialah hati yang di dalam dada"(QS AL-Haj{22}:46).
Hati merupakan salah satu organ internis manusia yang terpenting,Ia menjadi tempat seluruh perasaan jiwa,kekuatan pikiran dan keyakinan manusia.
Perasaan cinta,benci,bahagia,gelisah,marah,takabbur,tawadhu,yakin dan ragu muncul di hati.
Karenanya hati sangat menentukan baik dan buruk manusia secara menyeluruh.Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw,'Ingatlah bahwa di dalam tubuh manusia da segumpal organ,bila ia baik maka baiklah seluruh tubuh manusia itu.Dan bila dia rusak,maka rusaklah seluruh tubuhnya.Organ itu adalah hati (qolbu)"(HR Bukhari 1/126 dan Muslim X1?27,28).
Dengan demikian menjaga kesehatan hati berarti menjaga manusia secara keseluruhan.Sedangkan membiarkan hati rusak sama dengan merusak manusia itu sendiri.
Hal ini sangatlah rasional mengingat hati adalah tempat bersemayamnya keyakinan yang akan menentukan visi hidup seorang dan menentukan mutunya.
Ayat di tas menjelaskan bahayanya hati yang buta yang tidak pernah bisa memahami makna kehidupan dan tidak dapat mengambil ibrah (pelajaran) dari kehancuran kaum-kaum sebelumnya.Tidak bisa membedakan haq (benar) dan batil.
Ketika menafsirkan ayat tersebut,Ibnu Katsir-rahimahullah.menukil ucapan Ibnu Abi'd Dun'ya,'Sebagian ahli hikmah pernah mengatakan:Hidupkan hatimu dengan mauizhah (nasehat).Sinari ia dengan tafakkur(kontemplasi,perenungan).matikan dengan zuhud,kuatkan dengan keyakinan,hinakan dengan kematian,putuskan dengan kehancuran,perlihatkan kepahitan dunia,tanamkankan kewaspadaan terhadap perputaran waktu,perlihatkan padanya berita-berita kaum terdahulu,ingatkan dengan apa yang menimpa orang-orang sebelumnya,perjalanan ia ke negri-negri mereka dan bekas-bekas peninggalan mereka dan biarkan hati itu melihat apa yang telah mereka perbuat dan kehancuran serta kebinasaan yang menimpa mereka"(Tafsir Ibnu Katsir III/438-439).
Merajuk pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an,para ulama membagi hati menjadi 3(tiga)macam:
1.Al-Qalb As Salim (Hati Yang Suci Bersih)
Inilah hati yang akan membawa kebahagiaan dunia dan kahirat bagi pemiliknya sebagaimana firman ALLAH:"Pada hari di mana tida gunanya lagi harta dan anak,kecuali orang yang datang kepada ALLAH dengan hati yang sehat."(Q.S.Asy Syu'araa'(26):88-89).
Salim atau sehat adalah lawan sakit.Artinya hati tersebut sehat dan selamat dari semua penyakit syahwat yang menentang perintah ALLAH dan larangan-NYA.Juga sehat dan selamat dari semua penyakit syubhat yang menentang berita-NYA.karenanya,ia selamat dari penyembahan kepada selain ALLAH.Jika ia cinta,maka cintanya karena ALLAH,Dan ia benci,maka bencinya pun karena ALLAH.
Inilah hati yang bersih dari noda,sehingga menjadi jernih dalam melihat,menimbang dan menilai sebuah masalah,Ia menjadi lembut dan memiliki empati,sehingga mudah tersentuh,memiliki kecerdasan emosi,sehingga menjadi sangat terkendali dan jauh dari sifat-sifat kekakuan,kekasaran dan kekerasan.Sementara itu kuat artinya tahan bantingan,tidak mudah retak apalagi pecah,Hati yang bersih melahirkan sifat sabar tangguh,tidak mudah kusut dan menyerah ketika menghadapi ujian,tangtangan,dan cobaan.
Walhasil,terkumpul padanya semua jenis kebaikan dan kebajikan.Dalam konteks kehidupan rumah tangga,maka hati yang bersih yang di miliki oleh seorang suami dan istri akan menghadirkan keharmonisan kehidupan rumah tangga sehingga menjadi rumah tanggga,sakinnah ,mawaddah,warrahmah.amiin
2.Al Qalb Al Mayyit (Hati yang Mati)
Hati yang tak ada kehidupan di dalamnya,sehingga tidak mengenal Robbnya dan senantiasa hidup dalam gelimang dosa dan maksiat.Tidak pernah berubah meskipun sudah dibombardir dengan ayat-ayat ALLAH dan Hadits-hadits Nabi Saw seperti di sinyalir dalam firman ALLAH:"Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir,sama saja bagi mereka,kamu beri peringatan atau tidak kamu beri peringatan,mereka tidak akan beriman.Allah telah mengunci mati hati dan pendengaran mereka,dan penglihatan mereka di tutup.Dan bagi mereka siksa yang amat berat"(QS.A-Baqarah(2):6-7).
Hati yang semacam ini jika sudah menang dengan syahwatnya,maka tidak akan pernah memperdulikan lagi TUHANnya ridha atau tidak.Karenanya,ia menyembah kepada selain ALLAH.Jika ia cinta,maka cintanya karena hawa nafsunya.Dan jika ia benci,maka bencinyapun karena hawa nafsunya.Hawa nafsu benar-benar menjadi imamnya.Panglimanya adalah Syahwat,sopirnya adalah kebodohan dan kendaraannya adalah kelalaian.
Karenanya bergaul dengan pemilik hati ini adalah penyakit.Berinteraksi dengannya adalah racun dan duduk bersamanya dalah kebinasaan.
Hati yang buta sebagaimana di singgung ayat di atas adalah analogi dari dari hati yang mati ini.Selain itu,Al-Qur'an menyamakan jenis hati ini dengan batu yang keras sebagaimana firman ALLAH,"Kemudian setelah itu hati kalian menjadi keras seperti batu,atau lebih keras dari itu......"(QS Al-Baqarah(2)74),yang di cirikan dengan munculnya sifat-sifat tercela.
Ibarat besi,hati yang mati itu telah berkarat sehingga susah,Jika tidak boleh di bilang mustahil-untuk di harapkan hidup,apalagi bersih.
ALLAH SWT berfirman,"Sekali-kali tidak (demikian).Bahkan telah menutupi hati mereka karena apa-apa yang mereka kerjakan."(QS. Al-MMuthafffifin(83):14).Sehingga yang dominan dalam hidupnya adalah kekufuran,kezhaliman,dan kemaksiatan serta keburukan.
Dan Al-Qur'an ketika menyinggung hati yang mati,konteksnya adalah orang-orang kafir.Karena itu,seorang mukmin harus selalu mewaspadai diri untuk menjauh dari hati yang mati ini.Keluarga SAMARA hanya ada dalam mimpi tidak kan pernah terealisasi jika suami dan istri hatinya mati.
3.Al Qalb Al Maridh ( Hati Yang Sakit )
Hati yang terdapat di dalamnya kehidupan,namun juga terdapat penyakit.Antara Mahabbatullah ( Mencintai ALLAH ) Mahabbatusy Syahawaat (Mencintai Syahwat)bertarung dan berkecamuk menjadi satu dalam hati.Inilah hati orang-orang munafik.ALLAH SWT Berfirman:"Dalam hati mereka ada penyakit,lalu ditambah ALLAH penyakitnya;dan bagi mereka siksa yang pedih,disebabkan mereka berdusta"(QS Al-Baqarah(2)10).
Al Qur'an menyinggung hati semacam ini ketika berbicara tentang sifat-sifat orang-orang munafik.Karenanya jenis hati ini pun berbahaya.Namun masih ada harapan untuk sembuh.Sebab,setiap penyakit pasti ada obatnya.
Akhirnya,mari kita hati-hati dengan hati kita.Karena masa depan manusia di tentukan oleh hati.Shalat,Zakat,Infaq,sedekah,puasa,haji,tilawah Al-Qur'an,memperbanyak dzikir,tafakkur,aktif berdakwah dan beragam amal shalih lainnya adalah terapi hati yang pasti JITU karena hal itu perintah ILLAHI.
Hati merupakan salah satu organ internis manusia yang terpenting,Ia menjadi tempat seluruh perasaan jiwa,kekuatan pikiran dan keyakinan manusia.
Perasaan cinta,benci,bahagia,gelisah,marah,takabbur,tawadhu,yakin dan ragu muncul di hati.
Karenanya hati sangat menentukan baik dan buruk manusia secara menyeluruh.Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah saw,'Ingatlah bahwa di dalam tubuh manusia da segumpal organ,bila ia baik maka baiklah seluruh tubuh manusia itu.Dan bila dia rusak,maka rusaklah seluruh tubuhnya.Organ itu adalah hati (qolbu)"(HR Bukhari 1/126 dan Muslim X1?27,28).
Dengan demikian menjaga kesehatan hati berarti menjaga manusia secara keseluruhan.Sedangkan membiarkan hati rusak sama dengan merusak manusia itu sendiri.
Hal ini sangatlah rasional mengingat hati adalah tempat bersemayamnya keyakinan yang akan menentukan visi hidup seorang dan menentukan mutunya.
Ayat di tas menjelaskan bahayanya hati yang buta yang tidak pernah bisa memahami makna kehidupan dan tidak dapat mengambil ibrah (pelajaran) dari kehancuran kaum-kaum sebelumnya.Tidak bisa membedakan haq (benar) dan batil.
Ketika menafsirkan ayat tersebut,Ibnu Katsir-rahimahullah.menukil ucapan Ibnu Abi'd Dun'ya,'Sebagian ahli hikmah pernah mengatakan:Hidupkan hatimu dengan mauizhah (nasehat).Sinari ia dengan tafakkur(kontemplasi,perenungan).matikan dengan zuhud,kuatkan dengan keyakinan,hinakan dengan kematian,putuskan dengan kehancuran,perlihatkan kepahitan dunia,tanamkankan kewaspadaan terhadap perputaran waktu,perlihatkan padanya berita-berita kaum terdahulu,ingatkan dengan apa yang menimpa orang-orang sebelumnya,perjalanan ia ke negri-negri mereka dan bekas-bekas peninggalan mereka dan biarkan hati itu melihat apa yang telah mereka perbuat dan kehancuran serta kebinasaan yang menimpa mereka"(Tafsir Ibnu Katsir III/438-439).
Merajuk pada ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an,para ulama membagi hati menjadi 3(tiga)macam:
1.Al-Qalb As Salim (Hati Yang Suci Bersih)
Inilah hati yang akan membawa kebahagiaan dunia dan kahirat bagi pemiliknya sebagaimana firman ALLAH:"Pada hari di mana tida gunanya lagi harta dan anak,kecuali orang yang datang kepada ALLAH dengan hati yang sehat."(Q.S.Asy Syu'araa'(26):88-89).
Salim atau sehat adalah lawan sakit.Artinya hati tersebut sehat dan selamat dari semua penyakit syahwat yang menentang perintah ALLAH dan larangan-NYA.Juga sehat dan selamat dari semua penyakit syubhat yang menentang berita-NYA.karenanya,ia selamat dari penyembahan kepada selain ALLAH.Jika ia cinta,maka cintanya karena ALLAH,Dan ia benci,maka bencinya pun karena ALLAH.
Inilah hati yang bersih dari noda,sehingga menjadi jernih dalam melihat,menimbang dan menilai sebuah masalah,Ia menjadi lembut dan memiliki empati,sehingga mudah tersentuh,memiliki kecerdasan emosi,sehingga menjadi sangat terkendali dan jauh dari sifat-sifat kekakuan,kekasaran dan kekerasan.Sementara itu kuat artinya tahan bantingan,tidak mudah retak apalagi pecah,Hati yang bersih melahirkan sifat sabar tangguh,tidak mudah kusut dan menyerah ketika menghadapi ujian,tangtangan,dan cobaan.
Walhasil,terkumpul padanya semua jenis kebaikan dan kebajikan.Dalam konteks kehidupan rumah tangga,maka hati yang bersih yang di miliki oleh seorang suami dan istri akan menghadirkan keharmonisan kehidupan rumah tangga sehingga menjadi rumah tanggga,sakinnah ,mawaddah,warrahmah.amiin
2.Al Qalb Al Mayyit (Hati yang Mati)
Hati yang tak ada kehidupan di dalamnya,sehingga tidak mengenal Robbnya dan senantiasa hidup dalam gelimang dosa dan maksiat.Tidak pernah berubah meskipun sudah dibombardir dengan ayat-ayat ALLAH dan Hadits-hadits Nabi Saw seperti di sinyalir dalam firman ALLAH:"Sesungguhnya orang-orang kafir,sama saja bagi mereka,kamu beri peringatan atau tidak kamu beri peringatan,mereka tidak akan beriman.Allah telah mengunci mati hati dan pendengaran mereka,dan penglihatan mereka di tutup.Dan bagi mereka siksa yang amat berat"(QS.A-Baqarah(2):6-7).
Hati yang semacam ini jika sudah menang dengan syahwatnya,maka tidak akan pernah memperdulikan lagi TUHANnya ridha atau tidak.Karenanya,ia menyembah kepada selain ALLAH.Jika ia cinta,maka cintanya karena hawa nafsunya.Dan jika ia benci,maka bencinyapun karena hawa nafsunya.Hawa nafsu benar-benar menjadi imamnya.Panglimanya adalah Syahwat,sopirnya adalah kebodohan dan kendaraannya adalah kelalaian.
Karenanya bergaul dengan pemilik hati ini adalah penyakit.Berinteraksi dengannya adalah racun dan duduk bersamanya dalah kebinasaan.
Hati yang buta sebagaimana di singgung ayat di atas adalah analogi dari dari hati yang mati ini.Selain itu,Al-Qur'an menyamakan jenis hati ini dengan batu yang keras sebagaimana firman ALLAH,"Kemudian setelah itu hati kalian menjadi keras seperti batu,atau lebih keras dari itu......"(QS Al-Baqarah(2)74),yang di cirikan dengan munculnya sifat-sifat tercela.
Ibarat besi,hati yang mati itu telah berkarat sehingga susah,Jika tidak boleh di bilang mustahil-untuk di harapkan hidup,apalagi bersih.
ALLAH SWT berfirman,"Sekali-kali tidak (demikian).Bahkan telah menutupi hati mereka karena apa-apa yang mereka kerjakan."(QS. Al-MMuthafffifin(83):14).Sehingga yang dominan dalam hidupnya adalah kekufuran,kezhaliman,dan kemaksiatan serta keburukan.
Dan Al-Qur'an ketika menyinggung hati yang mati,konteksnya adalah orang-orang kafir.Karena itu,seorang mukmin harus selalu mewaspadai diri untuk menjauh dari hati yang mati ini.Keluarga SAMARA hanya ada dalam mimpi tidak kan pernah terealisasi jika suami dan istri hatinya mati.
3.Al Qalb Al Maridh ( Hati Yang Sakit )
Hati yang terdapat di dalamnya kehidupan,namun juga terdapat penyakit.Antara Mahabbatullah ( Mencintai ALLAH ) Mahabbatusy Syahawaat (Mencintai Syahwat)bertarung dan berkecamuk menjadi satu dalam hati.Inilah hati orang-orang munafik.ALLAH SWT Berfirman:"Dalam hati mereka ada penyakit,lalu ditambah ALLAH penyakitnya;dan bagi mereka siksa yang pedih,disebabkan mereka berdusta"(QS Al-Baqarah(2)10).
Al Qur'an menyinggung hati semacam ini ketika berbicara tentang sifat-sifat orang-orang munafik.Karenanya jenis hati ini pun berbahaya.Namun masih ada harapan untuk sembuh.Sebab,setiap penyakit pasti ada obatnya.
Akhirnya,mari kita hati-hati dengan hati kita.Karena masa depan manusia di tentukan oleh hati.Shalat,Zakat,Infaq,sedekah,puasa,haji,tilawah Al-Qur'an,memperbanyak dzikir,tafakkur,aktif berdakwah dan beragam amal shalih lainnya adalah terapi hati yang pasti JITU karena hal itu perintah ILLAHI.
Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011
Disco Continue Using Name Makkah Muslim Spain Received Criticism
A discotheque in Spain, using the name of Mecca, Muslims angered. Disco is located in the town of Aguilas, Murcia, southern Spain, is named La Meca and architecture of the building was similar to the mosque.
Features of buildings considered to attack the Muslims, like the dome with a crescent moon shape on it and there are the verses of the Qur'an in it.
"This is an insult," said Mohammed Reda e-Qady, Secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities Murcia, told
Immigrant communities who wish to perform their prayers could also be fooled by the shape of the building.
The existence of this discotheque continue to come under fire from Muslim Spain since the first use. Criticism this time coming from the Chairman of the Federation of Muslim groups in Spain, Mohamed Ali.
He said the owner of the discotheque as if to insult Muslims by giving the name diskotiknya like that. La Meca for Muslims Spain means Mecca.
"Muslims pray facing the Kaaba in Mecca and that's where Prophet Muhammad received the holy Koran. The discotheque is the place for drinks and dancing, dancing. discotheque name it as if to ignore the feelings of Muslims,''denounces Mohamed Ali , as written Andalus Press.
Mohamed Ali again reminded that Mecca is the most sacred area of Muslims from around the world. Name of Makkah also condemned a man of Moroccan who works in the discotheque was when he learned the name of entertainment was changed to Makkah.
As is known, initially, discotheques are not named like that. But after 10 years of renovation, the old disco suddenly be named Mecca. Inauguration of the discotheque was actually already done on June 18, 2010, but only a few days terakhirlah, Muslims in Spain simultaneous protest. (haninmazaya / trbn /
A discotheque in Spain, using the name of Mecca, Muslims angered. Disco is located in the town of Aguilas, Murcia, southern Spain, is named La Meca and architecture of the building was similar to the mosque.
Features of buildings considered to attack the Muslims, like the dome with a crescent moon shape on it and there are the verses of the Qur'an in it.
"This is an insult," said Mohammed Reda e-Qady, Secretary of the Union of Islamic Communities Murcia, told
Immigrant communities who wish to perform their prayers could also be fooled by the shape of the building.
The existence of this discotheque continue to come under fire from Muslim Spain since the first use. Criticism this time coming from the Chairman of the Federation of Muslim groups in Spain, Mohamed Ali.
He said the owner of the discotheque as if to insult Muslims by giving the name diskotiknya like that. La Meca for Muslims Spain means Mecca.
"Muslims pray facing the Kaaba in Mecca and that's where Prophet Muhammad received the holy Koran. The discotheque is the place for drinks and dancing, dancing. discotheque name it as if to ignore the feelings of Muslims,''denounces Mohamed Ali , as written Andalus Press.
Mohamed Ali again reminded that Mecca is the most sacred area of Muslims from around the world. Name of Makkah also condemned a man of Moroccan who works in the discotheque was when he learned the name of entertainment was changed to Makkah.
As is known, initially, discotheques are not named like that. But after 10 years of renovation, the old disco suddenly be named Mecca. Inauguration of the discotheque was actually already done on June 18, 2010, but only a few days terakhirlah, Muslims in Spain simultaneous protest. (haninmazaya / trbn /
Rabu, 29 Desember 2010
Senin, 29 November 2010
Islam is a Semitic religion, which has over one billion adherents all over the world. Islam means "submission to the will of God". Muslims accept the Qur’an, as the word of God revealed to His last and final prophet, Mohammed (peace be upon him). Islam states that Allah sent messengers and prophets throughout the ages with the message of Unity of God, and accountability in the Hereafter. Islam thus makes it an article of faith to believe in all the earlier prophets, starting with Adam, and continuing withNoah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, John and Jesus amongst many others (may peace be on them all).
The Most Concise Definition of God:
The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in the four verses of Surah Ikhlas which is Chapter 112 of the Qur’an:
"Say: He is Allah, The One and Only. "Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]
The word ‘Assamad’ is difficult to translate. It means ‘absolute existence’, which can be attributed only to Allah (swt), all other existence being temporal or conditional. It also means that Allah (swt) is not dependant on any person or thing, but all persons and things are dependant on Him.
Surah Ikhlas - the touchstone of theology:
Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112) of the Glorious Qur’an, is the touchstone of theology. ‘Theo’ in Greek means God and ‘logy’ means study. Thus Theology means study of God and to Muslims this four line definition of Almighty God serves as the touchstone of the study of God. Any candidate to divinity must be subjected to this ‘acid test’. Since the attributes of Allah given in this chapter are unique, false gods and pretenders to divinity can be easily dismissed using these verses.
What does Islam say about ‘god-men’?
India is often called the land of ‘god-men’. This is due to the abundance of so-called spiritual masters in India. Many of these ‘babas’ and ‘saints’ have a large following in many countries. Islam abhors deification of any human being. To understand the Islamic stand towards such pretenders to divinity, let us analyze one such ‘god-man’, Osho Rajneesh.
Let us put this candidate, ‘Bhagwan’ Rajneesh, to the test of Surah Ikhlas, the touchstone of theology:
i) The first criterion is "Say, He is Allah, one and only". Is Rajneesh one and only? No! Rajneesh was one among the multitude of ‘spiritual teachers’ produced by India. Some disciples of Rajneesh might still hold that Rajneesh is one and only.
ii) The second criterion is, ‘Allah is absolute and eternal’. We know from Rajneesh’s biography that he was suffering from diabetes, asthma, and chronic backache. He alleged that the U.S. Government gave him slow poison in prison. Imagine Almighty God being poisoned! Rajneesh was thus, neither absolute nor eternal.
iii) The third criterion is ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten’. We know that Rajneesh was born in Jabalpur in India and had a mother as well as a father who later became his disciples.
In May 1981 he went to U.S.A. and established a town called ‘Rajneeshpuram’. He later fell foul of the West and was finally arrested and asked to leave the country. He came back to India and started a commune in Pune which is now known as the ‘Osho’ commune. He died in 1990. The followers of Osho Rajneesh believe that he is Almighty God. At the ‘Osho commune’ in Pune one can find the following epitaph on his tombstone:
"Osho – never born, never died; only visited the planet Earth between 11th December 1931 to 19th January 1990."
They forget to mention that he was not granted visa for 21 countries of the world. Can a person ever imagine ‘God’ visiting the earth, and requiring a visa to enter a country! The Archbishop of Greece said that if Rajneesh had not been deported, they would have burnt his house and those of his disciples.
(iv) The fourth test, which is the most stringent is, "There is none like unto Him". The moment you can imagine or compare ‘God’ to anything, then he (the candidate to divinity) is not God. It is not possible to conjure up a mental picture of the One True God. We know that Rajneesh was a human being, having two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a white flowing beard. Photographs and posters of Rajneesh are available in plenty. The moment you can imagine or draw a mental picture of an entity, then that entity is not God.
Many are tempted to make anthropomorphic comparisons of God. Take for instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous body builder and Hollywood actor, who won the title of ‘Mr. Universe’, the strongest man in the world. Let us suppose that someone says that Almighty God is a thousand times stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger. The moment you can compare any entity to God, whether the comparison is to Schwarzenegger or to King Kong, whether it is a thousand times or a million times stronger, it fails the Qur’anic criterion, "There is none like unto Him".
Thus, the ‘acid test’ cannot be passed by anyone except the One True God.
The following verse of the Glorious Qur’an conveys a similar message:
"No vision can grasp Him But His grasp is over
All vision: He is Above all comprehension,
Yet is acquainted with all things." [Al-Qur’an 6:103]
Islam is a Semitic religion, which has over one billion adherents all over the world. Islam means "submission to the will of God". Muslims accept the Qur’an, as the word of God revealed to His last and final prophet, Mohammed (peace be upon him). Islam states that Allah sent messengers and prophets throughout the ages with the message of Unity of God, and accountability in the Hereafter. Islam thus makes it an article of faith to believe in all the earlier prophets, starting with Adam, and continuing withNoah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, John and Jesus amongst many others (may peace be on them all).
The Most Concise Definition of God:
The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in the four verses of Surah Ikhlas which is Chapter 112 of the Qur’an:
"Say: He is Allah, The One and Only. "Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]
The word ‘Assamad’ is difficult to translate. It means ‘absolute existence’, which can be attributed only to Allah (swt), all other existence being temporal or conditional. It also means that Allah (swt) is not dependant on any person or thing, but all persons and things are dependant on Him.
Surah Ikhlas - the touchstone of theology:
Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112) of the Glorious Qur’an, is the touchstone of theology. ‘Theo’ in Greek means God and ‘logy’ means study. Thus Theology means study of God and to Muslims this four line definition of Almighty God serves as the touchstone of the study of God. Any candidate to divinity must be subjected to this ‘acid test’. Since the attributes of Allah given in this chapter are unique, false gods and pretenders to divinity can be easily dismissed using these verses.
What does Islam say about ‘god-men’?
India is often called the land of ‘god-men’. This is due to the abundance of so-called spiritual masters in India. Many of these ‘babas’ and ‘saints’ have a large following in many countries. Islam abhors deification of any human being. To understand the Islamic stand towards such pretenders to divinity, let us analyze one such ‘god-man’, Osho Rajneesh.
Let us put this candidate, ‘Bhagwan’ Rajneesh, to the test of Surah Ikhlas, the touchstone of theology:
i) The first criterion is "Say, He is Allah, one and only". Is Rajneesh one and only? No! Rajneesh was one among the multitude of ‘spiritual teachers’ produced by India. Some disciples of Rajneesh might still hold that Rajneesh is one and only.
ii) The second criterion is, ‘Allah is absolute and eternal’. We know from Rajneesh’s biography that he was suffering from diabetes, asthma, and chronic backache. He alleged that the U.S. Government gave him slow poison in prison. Imagine Almighty God being poisoned! Rajneesh was thus, neither absolute nor eternal.
iii) The third criterion is ‘He begets not, nor is He begotten’. We know that Rajneesh was born in Jabalpur in India and had a mother as well as a father who later became his disciples.
In May 1981 he went to U.S.A. and established a town called ‘Rajneeshpuram’. He later fell foul of the West and was finally arrested and asked to leave the country. He came back to India and started a commune in Pune which is now known as the ‘Osho’ commune. He died in 1990. The followers of Osho Rajneesh believe that he is Almighty God. At the ‘Osho commune’ in Pune one can find the following epitaph on his tombstone:
"Osho – never born, never died; only visited the planet Earth between 11th December 1931 to 19th January 1990."
They forget to mention that he was not granted visa for 21 countries of the world. Can a person ever imagine ‘God’ visiting the earth, and requiring a visa to enter a country! The Archbishop of Greece said that if Rajneesh had not been deported, they would have burnt his house and those of his disciples.
(iv) The fourth test, which is the most stringent is, "There is none like unto Him". The moment you can imagine or compare ‘God’ to anything, then he (the candidate to divinity) is not God. It is not possible to conjure up a mental picture of the One True God. We know that Rajneesh was a human being, having two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth and a white flowing beard. Photographs and posters of Rajneesh are available in plenty. The moment you can imagine or draw a mental picture of an entity, then that entity is not God.
Many are tempted to make anthropomorphic comparisons of God. Take for instance, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the famous body builder and Hollywood actor, who won the title of ‘Mr. Universe’, the strongest man in the world. Let us suppose that someone says that Almighty God is a thousand times stronger than Arnold Schwarzenegger. The moment you can compare any entity to God, whether the comparison is to Schwarzenegger or to King Kong, whether it is a thousand times or a million times stronger, it fails the Qur’anic criterion, "There is none like unto Him".
Thus, the ‘acid test’ cannot be passed by anyone except the One True God.
The following verse of the Glorious Qur’an conveys a similar message:
"No vision can grasp Him But His grasp is over
All vision: He is Above all comprehension,
Yet is acquainted with all things." [Al-Qur’an 6:103]
Kamis, 18 November 2010
By the Shaykh - the Scholar of Hadith - Muhammad Nasirud-Din al-Albani

Ibn al-Qayyim (d.751H)- rahimahullah - said: "People have discussed about mahabbah (love of Allah); its causes and what brings it about, its signs, its fruits, and its rulings. The most comprehensive saying about this is what Abu Bakr al-Kattani - rahimahullah - relates about al-Junayd (d.279H).
Abu Bakr al-Kattani (d.322H) said: "A discussion about mahabbah took place in Makkah during the Pilgrimage month. The Shaykhs who were present spoke about this matter, and al-Junayd was the youngest of them. They said to him: O 'Iraqi, what do you have to say? So he bowed his head and tears were flowing from his eyes, then he said:
"A servant should overcome his soul;
And be continuous in the remembrance of his Lord;
Establishing the rights of his Lord;
Focusing upon Him with his heart;
The late of fear letting ablaze his heart;
Whilst drinking from the vessel of true love;
And certain realities become unveiled for him.
So when he talks, it is due to Allah.
When he speaks, it is from Allah.
When he moves, it is by the Command of Allah.
And when he is serene, then it is from Allah.
He belongs to Allah, is for Allah, and is with Allah."
So the Shaykhs started to weep and said: How can that be increased upon. May Allah reward you with good, O crown of the knowledgeable ones!"1
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim - rahimahullah - further said:
"The rearons which cause mahabbah (love of Allah) to develop are ten:-
Firstly: Reciting the Qur'an, reflecting upon it, and understanding its meanings.
Secondly: Drawing closer to Allah through the performance of optional deeds, after fulfilling the obligatory duties.
Thirdly: Being continuous in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah - in all circumstances - with the tongue, the heart and the limbs. The more constant the dhikr, the more mahabbah develops and intensifier.
Fourthly: Giving precedence to what Allah loves - when being overcome with desires - over what one personally loves and desires.
Fifthly: Causing the heart to contemplate over the Names and the Attributes of Allah, being a witness to what they necessitate, and causing the heart to be enlivened in the garden of this realisation.
Sixthly: Witnessing the blessing and favours of Allah; the apparent and the hidden.
Seventhly: Subduing the heart and humbling it before Allah, causing it to be in awe of Him.
Eighthly: Being in seclusion during that time in which Allah decends to the lowest heaven; reciting the Qur'an, and finishing this recitation with seeking Allah's forgiveness and sincerely repenting to Him.
Ninethly: Sitting in the gatherings of the true and sincere lovers of Allah; reaping the benefits of their teachings, and not speaking except when you know that there is benefit in doing so, and that such speech will increase you in goodness and benefit others as well.
Tenthly: Keeping clear of all there matters which will cause the heart to distance itself from Allah - the Mighty and Majestic.
So there are ten matters which causes the lover to reach the station of true love for Allah, so that he may then reach Allah - his Beloved.

Ibn al-Qayyim (d.751H)- rahimahullah - said: "People have discussed about mahabbah (love of Allah); its causes and what brings it about, its signs, its fruits, and its rulings. The most comprehensive saying about this is what Abu Bakr al-Kattani - rahimahullah - relates about al-Junayd (d.279H).
Abu Bakr al-Kattani (d.322H) said: "A discussion about mahabbah took place in Makkah during the Pilgrimage month. The Shaykhs who were present spoke about this matter, and al-Junayd was the youngest of them. They said to him: O 'Iraqi, what do you have to say? So he bowed his head and tears were flowing from his eyes, then he said:
"A servant should overcome his soul;
And be continuous in the remembrance of his Lord;
Establishing the rights of his Lord;
Focusing upon Him with his heart;
The late of fear letting ablaze his heart;
Whilst drinking from the vessel of true love;
And certain realities become unveiled for him.
So when he talks, it is due to Allah.
When he speaks, it is from Allah.
When he moves, it is by the Command of Allah.
And when he is serene, then it is from Allah.
He belongs to Allah, is for Allah, and is with Allah."
So the Shaykhs started to weep and said: How can that be increased upon. May Allah reward you with good, O crown of the knowledgeable ones!"1
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim - rahimahullah - further said:
"The rearons which cause mahabbah (love of Allah) to develop are ten:-
Firstly: Reciting the Qur'an, reflecting upon it, and understanding its meanings.
Secondly: Drawing closer to Allah through the performance of optional deeds, after fulfilling the obligatory duties.
Thirdly: Being continuous in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah - in all circumstances - with the tongue, the heart and the limbs. The more constant the dhikr, the more mahabbah develops and intensifier.
Fourthly: Giving precedence to what Allah loves - when being overcome with desires - over what one personally loves and desires.
Fifthly: Causing the heart to contemplate over the Names and the Attributes of Allah, being a witness to what they necessitate, and causing the heart to be enlivened in the garden of this realisation.
Sixthly: Witnessing the blessing and favours of Allah; the apparent and the hidden.
Seventhly: Subduing the heart and humbling it before Allah, causing it to be in awe of Him.
Eighthly: Being in seclusion during that time in which Allah decends to the lowest heaven; reciting the Qur'an, and finishing this recitation with seeking Allah's forgiveness and sincerely repenting to Him.
Ninethly: Sitting in the gatherings of the true and sincere lovers of Allah; reaping the benefits of their teachings, and not speaking except when you know that there is benefit in doing so, and that such speech will increase you in goodness and benefit others as well.
Tenthly: Keeping clear of all there matters which will cause the heart to distance itself from Allah - the Mighty and Majestic.
So there are ten matters which causes the lover to reach the station of true love for Allah, so that he may then reach Allah - his Beloved.

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Allahuma salli'ala Muhammad.
The only ghaayah (aim and target) of a Muslim should be to seek the pleasure of Allah, whilst hoping to be rewarded by his Lord (with paradise) for doing so. Thus, paradise is not the sole objective in his life; rather it is seeking the pleasure of Allah.
However, this paradise which we are speaking of requires a huge amount of sacrifice and willpower, and this was confirmed by the Messenger Muhammad (saw) who said in a famous hadeeth:
"When Allah created paradise and hell, he sent Jibreel (Gabriel) to paradise, saying: 'Go and look at it and the things I have prepared therein for its inhabitants.' So he went and looked at it and at what Allah had prepared therein for its inhabitants. He then came back and said: 'By your glory, whosoever will hear of it will long to enter it.' So he ordered that it be surrounded by forms of hardship, and said to Jibreel: 'Go back and look at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants.' So he went back and found that it was surrounded by forms of hardship. Then he came back and said: 'By your glory, I fear that no-one will enter it.'
Then he sent him to the fire of hell saying, 'Go and look at it and what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants.' So he looked at it and saw that it was in layers, one above the other. Then he came back and said: 'By your glory, whoever hears of it will never try to enter it.' So he ordered that it be surrounded by passions and desires, and said: 'Go and see what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants.' So he went and looked at it, then came back and said, 'by your glory, I fear that no-one will escape from entering it.'" (Muslim, Abu Daawood and Imaam Ahmad)
And the messenger of Allah (saw) also said:
"The Fire is surrounded by shahawaat (desires), and paradise is surrounded by hardship." (Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)
Therefore oh dear brothers and sisters, after knowing these ahaadeeth how can we expect the road to Jannah to be simple, easy and test free? We know very well that the only way to please Allah (swt) and enter paradise is by following the Messenger Muhammad (saw) and his companions, yet how similar is our life to theirs?
The Messenger Muhammad (saw) and his companions were extradited from their homeland, mocked at, tortured, ridiculed, boycotted, killed, slandered and attacked; how much of this do we suffer? The moment we lose a bit of wealth, are shouted at by our parents, are labelled by the Kuffaar and face a bit of criticism from so-called Muslims, we completely give up our da'wah, 'aqeedah and zeal to work for Allah's deen.
It is vital for us to understand this concept properly in order for us to remain steadfast and firm in the deen. Allah (swt) will always test the believers; sometimes he may test us through our families or wealth, and other times he may test us with the Kuffaar, Munaafiqeen, deviant Muslims or even with our close friends. This is a promise from almighty Allah (swt) therefore we should always be expecting it.
Dear Muslims, never lose hope in your Lord. Always remember that whatever test you face, the Sahaabah were faced with much worse scenarios. Ibn Taymiyyah, Abu Haneefah, Ahmad bin Hanbal and many other great 'Ulamaa (scholars) were put behind bars but they never compromised their call. 'Ammaar bin Yaasir (ra) witnessed by his own eyes the torture and killing of his mother, Hamzah was mutilated, Bilaal was tortured, Abu Bakr was beaten to near death, 'Uthmaan was assassinated, and the Messenger Muhammad (saw) was strangled and suffocated. What kind of similar hardship have we faced in our life for the sake of Allah?
If you hear a Munaafiq or corrupted person say, "Yes but that was at their time. The reality has changed and we are living in a different situation," do not listen to him for he has a disease in his heart. No person will ever enter paradise without to face severe tests from almighty Allah (swt) in every sphere of life, for Allah will test those who he loves:
"When Allah wishes good for someone he will test him." (Al-Bukhaari)
We have heard many people who have the attributes of the Munaafiqeen often saying in regards to the Mujaahideen and those sincere Muslims who have lost their limbs for the sake of Allah or have been imprisoned, "Allah has punished these people. Had they not made such statements then they would be free today." We would like to remind them of one verse where Allah (swt) says:
"O you who believe! Be not like those who disbelieve (hypocrites) and who say to their brethren when they travel through the earth or go out to fight: 'If they had stayed with us, they would not have died or been killed,' so that Allah may make it a cause of regret in their hearts. It is Allah that gives life and causes death. And Allah is All- Seer of what you do." (EMQ Aali 'Imraan, 3: 156)
One day you may have no food to eat, no clothes to wear, no home to live in, no family to ask for help, and no limbs to help you work. If you are ever tested by Allah (swt) and find yourself to be in this situation, then the best and only thing you could do is say, "al-Hamdulillaah (all praises are for Allah)." Be grateful to your Lord in ease and in hardship. Verily the one who is ungrateful to his Lord will live a miserable life in the dunyaa, and in the hereafter he will be disgraced and humiliated.
"Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, 'When (will come) the Help of Allah?' Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!" (Al-Baqarah, 2: 214)
"Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: 'We believe,' and will not be tested?"
"And we indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make (it) known (the truth of) those who are true, and will certainly make (it) known (the falsehood of) those who are liars, (although Allah knows all that before putting them to test)." (Al-'Ankaboot, 29: 2-3)
"And certainly, we shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to as-Saabireen (the patient ones, etc.)."
"Who, when afflicted with calamity, say: 'Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.'"
"They are those on whom are the Salawaat (i.e. blessings etc. [who are blessed and will be forgiven]) from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the guided-ones." (Al-Baqarah, 2: 155-157)
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