Recounted that at the time of the Prophet. there was a young man named Alqomah. He was an enterprising young man of worship, many of fasting and praying diligently like charity. One day he was very ill, so his wife sent envoys to the Messenger of Allah. He has to inform the Prophet. about the state Alqomah. Then the Messenger of Allah. then sent Amar bin Yasir, Shuhaib ar-Rumi and Bilal bin Rabah ra. to see her. He saw. He said: "Go home and talqinlah Alqomah to say La illaha illallah." Finally they went to his house, apparently when it Alqomah already in a state of dying, then they immediately mentalqinnya, but apparently can not pronounce an oral Alqomah illallah La Illaha they report the incident immediately that the Messenger of God.
Messenger. asked: "Does he still have both parents?."
There is an answer: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah, he still has a mother who was elderly."
Then the Messenger of Allah. sent envoys to meet him, and he saw. commanding his delegation: "Tell the mother Alqomah, if he was still able to walk to see the Messenger of Allah. So go, but if not, then let the Holy Prophet. who came to see him. "
When the messenger came to where his mother Alqomah, and the message he saw. has been submitted, he said: "I'm the one who is more entitled to come to the Prophet."
So he walked with a cane and went to the Messenger of Allah. Arriving at the house he saw. then he greets his greetings and Rasulullah saw.pun answer. Last Messenger of Allah said:
"O mother Alqomah, answer questions honestly. Because if you lie it will come a revelation from Allah SWT. that will tell me this, how exactly the state of your son Alqomah? ".
then the mother replied: "O Messenger of Allah. her diligent work on prayer, fasting and many happy bersadaqoh. "
Then the Prophet asked again: "Then how do you feel it? '"
He replied: "I get mad at him, O Messenger of Allah."
Messenger. asked again: "Why?" "
He replied: "O Messenger of Allah. he prefers his wife than me, and he too rebellious to me. "
Then the Messenger of Allah said: "Verily, anger the mother had prevented oral Alqomah, so can not say the creed."
Then he saw.bersabda: "O Bilal, go and collect a lot of firewood."
The mother asked: "O Messenger of Allah. what do you want? "
He saw. replied: "I'll burn before you."
he replied: "O Messenger of Allah. I can not stand if you burn my son in front of me. "
Then the Messenger of Allah. replied: "O mother Alqomah, actually adzab Allah SWT. more painful and longer. If you want to Allah SWT. pardoned, then let it go son Alqomah. By the substance of my soul was in his hands, praying, fasting and shodaqohnya will not benefit at all while you are still mad at him. "
Then the mother said: "O Messenger of Allah. Allah as a witness and also the angels and all the Muslims who were present today, that I have been blessing to my son Alqomah. "
Prophet also said to Bilal ra: "O Bilal, go to see if Alqomah been able to say the creed or not. Perhaps the mother Alqomah say something does not come from his heart, or maybe he just embarrassed me. "
Bilal also went up, and it turns out he's heard from inside the house Alqomah say La ilaha illallah.
So Bilal went in and said: "O mankind, indeed anger Alqomah mother had prevented her spoken, so can not say the creed, and She's willing has made it capable of saying the creed."
And finally Alqomah died on the spot.
Then the Messenger of Allah. saw him and ordered him bathed and wrapped in the shroud, then he saw. prayer and bury it, and close to the grave, he said: "O all the Muhajirin and Anshor, who preferred his wife from the mother, then he will get the curse of Allah, the angels, and all mankind. Allah will not accept his deeds at all unless he would repent, and do good to his mother, and asked for his blessing, because the blessing from Allah SWT Ridho depends on it, and Allah's anger depending on his anger. "
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