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Islam emphasized the importance of good quality and treasured it more than the quantity, because the good quality-from people and from deeds-even if it is small in quantity, its effect will be great. Also, the large quantity without good quality has very little effect if any.
If we look into the Qur’an, we will find many verses in which Allah scolds the large majority of people, because this majority was from those who do not think, or do not know, or do not believe, or do not give thanks. Allah (S.W.T.) said in surat Al-Ankabut, (verse 63), what can be translated as, "But most of them (mankind) have no sense."
surat Al-Ana’am, (verse 116), "And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah’s Path."
For this reason, the prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) emphasized on the importance of making his companions of high quality with teaching and purification. These few good believing people overcame the majority of people who were on the side of falsehood. One of these few used to be equal or more effective than hundreds of people... and so on.
This was the understanding of Omar Bin Al-khat-tab (R.A.A.) when he sent Amru Bin Alaas to conquer Egypt with 4000 soldiers only. Amru Bin Alaas asked Omar for more soldiers, Omar then sent him 4000 more soldiers among them 4 companions whom Omar said about, "Each and every one of them equal 1000 and Omar considered that the army is 12000 soldiers, and 12000 soldiers will never be defeated because of less in number.
If we take a look at the reality of Muslims today, we find that they are over a billion and a quarter of a billion people, but unfortunately, they are not of good quality, like the prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) described them when he said in an authentic Hadith reported by Imam Ahmad, and Abu-Daud, "It is almost time that nations will call each other against you (Muslims) like the eaters call each other to their food." The companions said, "Are we few in number at that time oh prophet of Allah (S.W.T.) ?! The prophet replied, "No, but you are then numerous but you are of no value like the foam of the water stream, and Allah will take the fear out of your enemies’ heart from you and He will throw in your heart the Wahan" They said, "what is the Wahan oh messenger of Allah?! He said, "The love of this worldly life and hatred of death."
So, the large number of Muslims alone is not effective, and there has to be a great effort made toward finding the people with good quality.
And the prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) says in a good Hadith, "Allah For loves his servant when he initiates some deed, he does it well"
Allah (S.W.T.) commanded us to establish prayer, and not only performing the various prescribed movements, but by praying the prayer well. Allah (S.W.T.) said in many places in the Quran like (verse 110) in surat Al- Baqarah, what can be translated as, "And offer prayers perfectly."
Allah (S.W.T.) described his believing successful servants, and from their description in surat Al- Muminun (verses 1 & 2), what can be translated as, "Successful indeed are the believers. Those who offer their prayers with all solemnity and full submissiveness."
The Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) confirms the importance of having solemnity and full submissiveness in the prayer. Also in keeping the heart concentrated during prayer. The Muslim will be rewarded for his prayer as much as he accomplishes this. The Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) said, "You will be rewarded for your prayer as much as you concentrated and focused in it."
The Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) also says in another authentic Hadith reported by Imam Ibn-Majah, An-nisa’, and Ibn-Khuzaymah, "There may be a fasting person who has nothing from his fasting except hunger, and there may be night-praying person who has nothing from his night-praying except staying up."
In another authentic Hadith reported by Bukhari and others that the Prophet Mohammed (P.B.U.H.) said about fasting, "Anyone who does not leave the wrong sayings and the wrong actions then, Allah has no need for that person to leave his food and drink."
(Extraction from a khutba by Mohamed Baianonie.)
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